Music Moves Presents “Sgt. Pepper’s Live On Stage!”©A Benefit Concert Supporting Music Education in Public Schools Proposed Project/Goals and Objectives:The goal of Music Moves Presents “Sgt. Pepper’s Live On Stage!”© is to create a collaboration between the professional Beatles tribute band “Britain’s Finest”, the Santa Clarita Valley Youth Orchestra (“SCVYO”) with an Indian Music Ensemble, and select brass and wind band students from the Golden Valley Band program (herein referred to as “The Band”). PLUS – a special surprise Grand Finale featuring a full-dress 85-member marching band! This special edition of The Band will perform “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band” album in its entirety, fronted by “Britain’s Finest, The Complete Beatle’s Experience”. Chris Carter from the nationally syndicated radio show "Breakfast with The Beatles" on 95.5 KLOS, has personally endorsed “Britain’s Finest” as one of the best Beatle’s tribute shows and recently used "The Lads" for his own child's school fundraiser... and Chris can choose from any of the other 75 Beatles tribute bands working in the USA today. Performance by SCVYO will include a 40+ member orchestra, playing to some of the original musical scores from the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra and enhanced arrangements conducted by SCVYO Artistic Director Rachel Iba.The program will also include an opening performance by the Golden Valley Vocal Arts show choir, performing harmonically iconic songs such as “Yes it Is”, “This Boy”, and “Because” to name a few.The Music Moves Presents “Sgt. Pepper’s Live On Stage!”© is intended to be presented at the COC Performing Arts Center in Santa Clarita, CA in late September / early October 2025.This collaboration will provide a unique learning experience…that allows SCVYO students to perform some of the world’s most famous and complex musical compositions in pop history and allowing the Golden Valley Band the opportunity to perform with the SCVYO in an orchestra format.Music Moves Presents “Sgt. Pepper’s Live On Stage!”© will make this exciting musical collaboration accessible to a whole new genera􀆟on of Santa Clarita residents (and Beatles fans) by bringing it into our community and sharing it with members of the SCVYO, Hart District Band and Choir students. Music Moves Presents “Sgt. Pepper’s Live On Stage!”© will raise funds to support music education in public schools to purchase much-needed services and band supplies. 100% of ticket sales to the event will go directly to the SCVYO and Golden Valley Band & Choir (both are 501c3).*NOTE* Music Moves is not a 501c3 and does not solicit, collect or receive monetary compensation for this event. Community Need and Benefit:The community need of this project includes enriching the lives of the SCV residents, as there is a clear need for cultural enrichment that is geared toward and focusing on these students and their families.Music Moves Presents “Sgt. Pepper’s Live On Stage!"© is a music education project with an emphasis on pop music cultural awareness.The community will benefit from this Music Moves Presents “Sgt. Pepper’s Live On Stage!”© in a variety of ways. First, music students of Golden Valley band will receive hands-on instruction and musical guidance in the genre of orchestrated pop music.Second, the community will have the opportunity to hear these talented young musicians as they perform with a focus on their newly learned orchestration skills.And third, there are many benefits to a strong music education. The Harris Poll found that employers stand to gain much from music education programs since learning and habits from music education equip people to be better team players in their career, prepare them to manage the tasks of their job more successfully, as well as music education providing a disciplined approach to problem-solving. The community will be made aware of the project by partnering with radio/TV, print, and social media outlets via an aggressive media campaign. Since the success of many Music Moves benefit concerts produced since 2011, we have developed a very strong following and word-of-mouth network throughout Santa Clarita and the LA Region.While our primary target audience is the Santa Clarita Valley, we intend to partner with media outlets from the LA Region as well. History has shown that the Beatles’ music is timeless, enjoyed by people of all ages and is nothing less than inspiring… their music knows no bounds and is meant to be enjoyed by all.For donor / sponsorship opportunities please contact Susie Ruffner, For more information:Britain’s Finest: Clarita Valley Youth Orchestra: https://www.scvyo.orgGolden Valley Band: Valley Vocal Arts: Moves:      







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