Sonora Tropical Show
Friday, May 31, 7:00pm
Golden Valley High School
27051 Robert C. Lee Parkway
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Mon, 06/03/2013 | Jessica Boyer, Santa Clarita News
Photo courtesy of KHTS 1220AM
“These music events will help out to promote band members and also promote getting instruments for the groups for years to come and also to engage with professionals in the field” said Ram Gutierrez a producer for the Latino community who helped organize this event.
Music Moves© is an organization founded by parents of students who are involved in Golden Valley High School’s Band and Color guard. Their mission is to put funding back into the public school’s music programs through the aide of local businesses.
“Many documented studies show that children who study music and participate in school music programs are more adept at math, physics and science studies – and are more likely to attend university and earn degrees – a high return on investment for our communities to produce a well educated workforce” said Music Moves© officials.
“We wanted to create a program that brought more attention to the fact that band programs in our city and our state are very underfunded, as most music programs are. But we wanted to do something on more of a professional level...We could use these facilities, go for a grants, promote it, and the proceeds from the event not only benefit the Golden Valley program but we will donate about 10% to the Hart District Honor Band program” said Wilson.
Photos courtesy of KHTS 1220AM
On May 31, 2013, Golden Valley High School hosted a Music Moves Concert in order to raise money for the school's music programs. The event is founded by parents of students who are looking to put funding back into high school music programs with the help of local businesses. Unlike any other typical high school fund raiser, Music Moves concerts allow for families, businesses, and friends to enjoy the band's music and dance to it for an overall wonderful night. Band members played all night long not only promoting themselves, but promoting the music program for future talented students. This was another very telling event of how Santa Clarita locals are always looking to invest in the community, specifically in the success of its youngsters.
SCV families enjoyed and danced to music by the band La International Sonora Tropical starring Carlos Quintana.
There was also a Silent Auction where families could bid on clothes, toys, and other items.